Saturday, November 16, 2019

iPhone 6 Essay Example for Free

iPhone 6 Essay Apple working on 4. 7-and-5. 7-inch iPhones for 2014 Reuters cites ‘four people with knowledge of the matter’ and as well as claiming the larger display models under consideration they also point to cheaper variants being considered too. Again, we have heard whispers of a budget iPhone for a very long time. Apple is said to be considering such products for the usually cited reason: Samsung. The report suggests Apple is starting to think it needs a broader product portfolio to compete with the Samsung. Apple’s thoughts on the subject are said to include the idea of introducing both 4. -inch and 5. 7-inch iPhone variants in 2014. Asian supply networks claim suppliers have been approached by Apple on the subject of larger smartphone display panels. At present, it’s quite normal to see any rumour surrounding Apple’s next iPhone to be pegged for both the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 6, such is the uncertainty. However, it’s also true that a few select rumours have been aimed at just the iPhone 6 specifically, particularly in cases which suggest the iPhone 6 will come on its own, later, and after a separate and distinct iPhone 5S launch. With the news that Apple is now actively looking into larger display sizes for its iPhone, T3 has created a rather awesome concept video detailing what the end result might look like. Featuring a 5. 7-inch 1080p display and Apple’s A7 chipset, the iPhone 6 concept is one of the best we’ve seen to-date. It also outlines many of the benefits – better gaming, video, and web browsing – that are associated with having a larger screen. The video concept compares the iPhone 6 to the iPhone 5, hinting at how Apple could modify the design of its existing handset to accommodate a larger 5. -inch display. The video even references Apple’s white-background video style in a bid to further suspend belief that what you’re looking at is indeed an official Apple product (FYI – this is definitely not an official Apple video). Whether we’ll one day see an iPhone of this size remains to be seen – 5. 7-inches does seem like quite a jump from the 4-inch iPhone 5. That said, Apple is rumoured to be in talks about producing a suitably larger iPhone for release sometime in 2014. Reuters says this handset will be the iPhone 6. Apple’s next flagship, the iPhone S, is expected to carry much the same design as 2012’s iPhone 5. It’ll keep the same 4-inch display and premium chassis but see some of the internal specs and hardware updated. iPhone 6 Hardware The most recent, and arguably most prominent rumour surrounding the iPhone 6 points to the idea that it’ll feature a next-gen Apple A7 processor, which may or may not, be a quad-core model. The story goes that Apple is soon to begin work on the 20 nanometre A7 chip with the help of TSMC, but that it won’t be ready for production until the first quarter of 2014. In the meantime we’ll be treated to an iPhone 5S on an A6 chip, or possibly an A6X. This does sit with some rumours which say the iPhone 5S will land in June or July, though equally similar rumours claim the model which arrives this summer will be the iPhone 6, which in turn would imply it’ll be the one toting the A6 or A6x chip. Other reports say Apple has been in talks with Intel over a possible manufacturing deal. It’s not clear whether Intel would simply fabricate Apple’s ARM-based designs or if it would create a completely new Intel-based chipset for the iPhone 6. Apple’s iPhone 6 was also name-dropped in reports about next-generation hardware carrying new 5G Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chips, suggesting it’ll hook up to nearby routers and remote devices at much faster speeds. It’s expected the iPhone 6 would have the same storage options as its predecessors – 16GB, 32GB or 64GB with no microSD slot. Could we see a 128GB version, too? Maybe although very little has been said about this aspect so far. A camera upgrade is possible and we could see a 13-megapixel sensor, although there’s some suggestion Apple will stick to 8-megapixels and simply improve the aperture, sensor array and capture features. Allegedly Apple has scheduled to have components for the next iPhone shipped by the end of May in order to hit the Q3 target. It will apparently have an improved processor, which could be the A6X chip found in the iPad 4. The camera will also be updated to a higher megapixel rating, presumably 13-megapixels. The latest rumour suggests a 16-megapixel sensor though.

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